Tuesday, September 21, 2010


so if maple syrup and ketchup are food groups at our house; goggles are a wardrobe staple. they are right there with striped pajamas, crowns, capes and rain boots. they love, love, LOVE goggles.

goggles complete superhero costumes.

are handy up on your head for quick use in a pinch.

for x ray vision. as in "wobble goggles"

making the world look blue.

they're good for keeping snow out of your eyes.

for cleaning the bottom of boats. or pretending to be like daddy cleaning the bottom of a boat.

to dress up green polka dots.

for getting closer to using them in actual water.

for busting out of sing sing...? or onto broadway?

typical breakfast attire.

as safety glasses...kind of.

and sometimes we even go swimming with them.


  1. come on!!! melted my heart, made my rainy morning full of sunshine and love! you are amazing, love every little bit of your amazing family! xoxo

  2. hey cool beth! so glad you figured out how to comment on google on goggles...:) thanks to the text-ers who are cyber shy for all your support too...you know who you are :)

  3. Your super heros are perfect!
    Love their jammies!

  4. LOL, such cute photos! We love them here too!

  5. I can remember when my youngest never went anywhere without his cape and goggles.
    Now he's 15.
