it's been snowing here. a lot. we love to play in it. one of the best things about it is being out doors and the distraction giving me a little freedom from the million questions and the mommy this and mommy that for an hour or three. that snowy solace was being interrupted by having to pull the jacket sleeves over the mittens every 4 seconds. for a skinny, string bean of a boy who's coat still fits with room to spare, but the sleeves are getting too short. not fun. for me or the boy. i mean you can't really enjoy building snow forts and snow furniture, a luge and having snow picnics when you have to stop every 4 seconds to get your annoyed mom to pull your sleeves down and re-velcro them. really now. so one of these days we were out there and i had an idea! i have a bunch of baby legs. they are great for that gap between shoe and pants when you're baby wearing. they're great for under pants instead of long johns so you can get them on and off with out taking pants off every time. they're great instead of tights so the littles can still run around without shoes and not slip. love em. and NOW they are also great for holding on mittens. wahla. i just put them on his arms, pull the end over the mittens and i NEVER fix them again! they get soaking wet and i think i may try to make him a pair for next winter out of something a bit waterproof. but they do the trick. snow solace once again!

rowan in his striped baby legs on his arms holding on his mittens
hazel in the snow and her sunglasses. she's 21 1/2 months old and she insists on choosing everything she wears. her baby legs are on under her snow suit. she doesn't like the snow in her eyes, she likes to wear a visor somedays instead of the glasses.
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